Fall 2024


How to Ruin a Food Moment with a Side of Guilt

Christine McCarthy Clark, MS ,RD

Negative comments about your food choices can have lasting effects and influence future food moments. labeling food as “good” or “bad” can create guilt and shame around food. Let’s make food choices, considering the enjoyment and satisfaction you derive from the food in the moment rather than solely focusing on its nutritional value.

Anybody Got a Map? A Blueprint for Belonging

Chelsea Cohen

What would you do with your life if you had $200,000 to spend on it? That’s the reality of going to college, or at least that’s how it’s presented: four years to try everything you’ve wanted to do! Realistically though, navigating college can be difficult, especially as a first-gen student with no map to lean on for help. For first-gen students, this $200,000 experience can alter the trajectory of our lives, even our families’ lives, if we complete our degree. A huge factor in completion? Our sense of belonging.

In this House, We Fail

Chase Dunlap

Failure is an inevitable component of the human experience that has grown and evolved right alongside us. The bar for success in life has never been higher, making it pivotal to build a community around us who make it okay to fail when we pursue things we care about but may not succeed in. 

Women are Still Taboo

Kanmuni Duraikkannan

In the 21st century, female anatomy and sexual pleasure remain taboo topics, leading to discomfort and misinformation. This talk explores how societal stigmas around women’s bodies and sex education contribute to broader issues of gender inequality and misunderstanding.

The Silent Habit Draining Your Financial Future and How to Break It

Ryan Jupin

Ryan Jupin explains how major economic issues such as the student debt crisis, rising housing costs and even inflation are linked to our daily financial habits. In this TEDx Talk, with his own story of buying a hat on a hot summer day, he shows how small purchases can reflect larger economic issues over time for an individual. He also goes over the potential future of these small impulses and offers insights on how we can improve our financial wellbeing by becoming more mindful of these habits.

What Do We Do When We’re All Not Okay?

Jess Monahan

If college students aren’t okay and faculty aren’t okay, what can we do? In this talk, Jess Monahan will share about the power of vulnerability and truth in the college classroom.

Why Education Inequity Persists

Latoya Watson

America has a storied history of racial disparities in education. This TEDx Talk will discuss this history and the path forward.

A Story for an Inclusive Climate Justice Movement

Alyssa Wentzel

Communities are being impacted by climate change, we can help apply their voices by sharing, believing and taking action.

2024 Sponsors

TEDxUniversityofDelaware would like to thank our sponsoring organizations.

Creative Leadership, Innovation and Service

University Student Centers

Division of Student Life

Office of the Provost

Office of Communications & Marketing

Writing Center

University Media Services